Signs of Summer

Summer is a vibrant season marked by a plethora of sights, sounds, and activities that bring the world to life. From the extended daylight hours to the aroma of freshly cut grass, the signs of summer are unmistakable and cherished. At Applewood Nursery & Landscape Supply, we celebrate these seasonal markers, helping you make the most of your outdoor spaces. Whether you’re an avid gardener, a beachgoer, or simply someone who enjoys the warmth and festivities of the season, recognizing and embracing these signs can enhance your summer experience.

Longer Days

During summer, the tilt of the Earth’s axis results in longer daylight hours. The sun rises earlier and sets later, providing more time for outdoor activities and enjoyment of natural light.

Warmer Weather

Temperatures rise significantly during summer, often reaching their peak for the year. The increase in warmth brings about higher humidity levels, making the air feel heavier and sometimes leading to afternoon thunderstorms.

Blooming Flowers

Summer is a peak time for many flowering plants. Roses, sunflowers, hydrangeas, and other vibrant blooms fill gardens and landscapes with color and fragrance. This period is crucial for gardeners and floral enthusiasts.


Trees, shrubs, and lawns are at their greenest in summer. The ample sunlight and warm temperatures promote vigorous growth, resulting in lush and verdant landscapes.

Increased Outdoor Activities

People take advantage of the warm weather to engage in outdoor activities like gardening, swimming, barbecuing, picnicking, and playing sports. Parks, beaches, and recreational areas are bustling with activity.


Early mornings are filled with the sounds of birds singing and chirping. Birds are more active in summer as they build nests, raise their young, and forage for food.

Buzzing Insects

Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are actively buzzing around flowers, playing a critical role in the pollination process. This increased insect activity is a hallmark of summer.

Summer Produce

Seasonal fruits and vegetables reach their peak during summer. Farmers’ markets and grocery stores are stocked with fresh strawberries, peaches, watermelons, tomatoes, and corn, among others.

School Breaks

Schools close for summer vacation, leading to children spending more time outdoors playing and participating in summer camps. This break provides families with opportunities for travel and bonding.

Festival Season

Summer is a time for festivals, fairs, and outdoor events. Communities host music festivals, food fairs, art shows, and cultural celebrations, drawing people together to enjoy the season.

Beach Trips

Beaches become popular destinations, filled with sunbathers, swimmers, surfers, and families building sandcastles. The sound of waves and the smell of the ocean are quintessential summer experiences.

Ice Cream Trucks

The distinctive jingle of ice cream trucks is a familiar sound in neighborhoods. People, especially children, enjoy cold treats like ice cream, popsicles, and snow cones to beat the heat.

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Camping and Hiking

Many people head to national parks, forests, and campgrounds for camping and hiking adventures. Summer provides ideal conditions for exploring nature, setting up tents, and enjoying campfires.


Firework displays are common during summer, especially around holidays like Independence Day. The night skies are lit up with colorful explosions, accompanied by the sounds of celebrations.

Outdoor Markets

Farmers’ markets and roadside stands flourish in summer, offering fresh produce, homemade goods, and crafts. These markets are vibrant community hubs where people can purchase locally sourced items.

Light Clothing

With the rise in temperatures, people switch to lighter, more breathable clothing. Shorts, tank tops, sandals, sunglasses, and hats become wardrobe staples, providing comfort and style in the heat.

Vacation Time

Summer is prime vacation season, with families and individuals traveling to various destinations. Beaches, mountains, theme parks, and international locales see an influx of tourists.


Gardening activities ramp up as plants thrive in the summer warmth. Gardeners spend time maintaining flower beds, vegetable plots, and herb gardens, ensuring their plants are healthy and productive.

Fresh Cut Grass Smell

The scent of freshly mowed lawns is a nostalgic and defining feature of summer. Regular lawn maintenance keeps grass healthy and adds to the overall enjoyment of outdoor spaces.

Sports Events

Outdoor sports are in full swing, with baseball, soccer, tennis, and golf being popular summer activities. Sports fields, courts, and stadiums are bustling with both amateur and professional games.

By recognizing and embracing these signs of summer, you can fully enjoy the season’s unique offerings and create lasting memories. At Applewood Nursery & Landscape Supply, we’re here to support your summer gardening and landscaping needs, ensuring you make the most of this vibrant time of year.

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