ORGANICS NO SYNTHETIC PESTICIDES OR FERTILIZERS We carry many products options for your organic garden. Products that are simple, good for your plants and environmentally aware too. Organic Product Brands We Carry Ferti-lome Natural Guard products are Ferti-lome's organic gardening line and are Omri Listed. SUPERthrive is a plant vitamin formula that contains kelp and vitamin B to aid plant growth. Recommended for use with all plant types. Nature based products to help you grow healthier plants without synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. An all organic, highly nutritional protein fertilizer that does no biological damage to the soil and will promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. The finest potting soil mixes, fertilizers and liquid plant foods. Formulas are greenhouse tested to ensure quality and consistency. Organic soil conditioner An organic fertilizer that is naturally packed with the essential nutrients your soil needs to grow hearty, healthy plants. A nutrient and microbe-rich, high-quality organic compost fertilizer formulated to grow strong, healthy plants and vegetables. No hazardous or toxic ingredients; safe for people, pets and the planet. An organic and sterilized fertilizer made from earthworm castings. It conditions the soil and provides plants with nutrients they need.