Advantages To Fall Mulching In Your Garden

Applewood Nursery & Landscape Supply has all of your mulch needs

As autumn sweeps in with its vibrant foliage and cooler temperatures, it’s the perfect time to discuss an essential garden practice that can transform your landscape into a masterpiece—mulching. Fall, in particular, offers a unique opportunity to harness the incredible benefits of mulch in gardening. In this blog post, we’ll explore how mulch can be your secret weapon in creating a stunning garden the coming season.

Companion Planting for Fall: Enhancing Perennial Gardens with Perfect Partners

applewood nursery & landscaping - companion planting

As the fall season approaches, it’s a wonderful time to transform your perennial garden into a breathtaking display of color, texture, and harmony. At Applewood Nursery & Landscaping, we’re excited to introduce you to the concept of companion planting for the fall season, a practice that involves combining perennials with companion plants to achieve various benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore the art of companion planting and present you with some delightful perennial combinations that will make your autumn garden a true masterpiece.

Top Fall Garden Maintenance Tips

Fall Gardening -Applewood Nursery & Landscaping

As the vibrant colors of summer fade into the warm and cozy hues of autumn, it’s time to shift your gardening focus to prepare for the upcoming season. Fall offers a unique opportunity to set the stage for a thriving garden in the spring. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best fall garden maintenance tips to help you make the most of this season and ensure your garden remains a thing of beauty year-round.

Fall Plant Selection Tips For A Stunning Autumn Garden

Applewood Nursery & Landscaping Fall

Your revitalized fall garden can serve as a memorable backdrop for gatherings and events, instilling a sense of accomplishment and expanding your gardening skills. Overall, improving your fall garden enhances your outdoor space, making it more inviting and enjoyable for you and your visitors.